Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?

As we all know, most audiophiles spend a fortune for that flat frequency response displayed on the manufacturer's specs when you buy a subwoofer. Why do you do this? The minute you put that flat sub in your room and take some measurements, it is anything but flat (it's a rollercoaster with all kinds of peaks/nulls etc, EQ to the rescue).....So, why do you dudes continue to look for the flat line? What's going on in your mind when you're shopping around?
Millercarbon to tomic601: " So you choose liar. "

Miller, just for the record, I’m not comfortable with what you did there.

In a now-deleted post you called for tomic to do such-and-such or else he was (in your words) a liar, and when he didn’t, you now say he chooses to be a liar. Without overly dissecting it, I’ll just say that seems pretty aggressive to me.

Miller, is there a different way you could have replied to tomic601’s earlier post, one that extended the benefit of the doubt and would therefore likely have resulted in the clearing up any misperceptions?

Duke - waves ( actually a powerful wake ) with decent amplitude and low frequency bounced at almost a perfect 90 off bulkhead.... the holes and flat truncated peaks illustrate in a “ simple physical situation what is more complex in a room. The classic two slit model without the on the side amplitude translator.
And in the spirit of good will Duke, because you are indeed a gentleman- I would change “ myth “ to vague assertion.

best to you in these crazy times....
There's always a different way to reply. Could be he was so enamored with the alliteration and proud of coming up with Miller's myth he just had to use it even though it had nothing to do with anything I'd said. Could have asked about that a lot of different ways. I'm not comfortable having people, since you don't like lie let's say make things up about me. That's a misperception he had the opportunity to correct, and he chose to double down on the insults. Not exactly comfortable with that either. Mainly though I'm far from thinking it had anything to do with misperception. I think he perceived what I said just fine. But rather than dealing with the substance of what I actually said he thought it better to belittle it as myth. That's my perception. If its wrong, he's free to clear it up. I'm certainly open to that.
Ahh... Well there was nothing vague. And the assertion was never made. But "in the spirit of goodwill" it'll do.