To whom it may concern; I mean no disdain in my comments. Here's the deal; I spend a LOT of time around here watching people recommend spending money on upgrades. As if money grows on trees. Sure, big improvements can be had.... if you have big money to spend AND the time and inclination and ability to shop and compare. Even then however economic profit considerations will always limit design leaving lots of areas of improvement. These can be found all over the place, from speaker gaskets that seal but don't control vibrations to diodes and caps that are cheap and hold back performance. Because of all this the spectrum of performance manufacturers leave on the table is HUGE! There are many, many significant performance improvements that can be attained at little cost. The legs of the ladder are endless.
So, keep reaching! Make a change! Go for not just one tweak, but many, for a far superior sound. :)
So, keep reaching! Make a change! Go for not just one tweak, but many, for a far superior sound. :)