Whom do you expect to be able to tell you whether the move is lateral, especially since you provide no information regarding brand and model? It doesn't matter; they� couldn't tell you anyway, and there would be no consensus.
This post is the equivalent of, "Will I like this new car better than the other?" I don't know, you tell me!
IF the 8' is better and you have bi-wired speakers, cut down the 8' some to make jumpers. IF the speaker is single wired, cut the 8' lengths in half to double up the wire. Almost assured big improvement either way. Likely, you will end up with superior sound, even if the 8' cable was not absolutely superior initially.
This post is the equivalent of, "Will I like this new car better than the other?" I don't know, you tell me!
IF the 8' is better and you have bi-wired speakers, cut down the 8' some to make jumpers. IF the speaker is single wired, cut the 8' lengths in half to double up the wire. Almost assured big improvement either way. Likely, you will end up with superior sound, even if the 8' cable was not absolutely superior initially.