If I just use a DAC, do I need a Pre-amp?

I recently asked a Facebook group this same question.  I should have asked audio forum folks first.  Sorry if there is overlap.

If I only use DACs for my amp, why do I need a Pre-amp?
I have the opportunity to get a nice Fisher 400CX-2...but why?

I have volume control on my Fiio M15, and volume via my player for my Chord Qutest.  How will a pre-amp make things better.  

The old purest will hook from a phono directly to a power amp with gain control, that's it...

That's actually the one source which absolutely requires a preamplifier (and its fixed EQ).  Phono cartridges are akin to microphones or guitar pickups.  They are transducers whose output is so low that there is far too little gain (as well as mismatched impedance) to feed a power amp.  There is also a matter of applying the RIAA EQ curve.  In order to get the most out of the medium, extreme EQ is applied to the master.  That EQ is applied in reverse in the phono preamp.  Phono inputs on a preamp are different than any of the other inputs.  You should never plug a line level signal in to a phono input and never plug a turntable into any input *but* the dedicated phono stage.

As mentioned above, the Schitt SYS passive preamp has analog input for two sources and cost $49 plus a few bucks shipping.  I have one and like all Schitt products its a great little unit.
I've been looking at upgrading my speaker cables.  So, was playing around with my system setup last week.  I've an Audio Research Pre and Power amp and a DCS Bartok DAC.  

I listened to this with the AR Pre in and out of the system.  Getting the volume equal was a bit of work.  The most obvious difference with the preamp in vs out was with the presentation of the soundstage.  It was much better defined and spacious, with the preamp in. 

So, if you have a DAC that has volume control, no you don't need a preamp. Depending on your system, you may find that a preamp adds a lot!   
One DAC, has an analog potentiometer, the other from the software player.

These are the specs of the DAC I plan to use.  https://www.fiio.com/m15

As posted above - tried and liked already.  I may try a pre-amp in a month to see if I like the sound color.  Mainly because as a vintage one, I expect I can sell it for what I paid and then some.  I would not buy a new pre-amp even if "better" as I'm more likely to not get my money out of it.

Subject = Ad Nauseam........My Luminous Audio Axiom, Walker mod, 3 in, 2 out, with remote, is just what the doctor ordered. I do not hear it, in my signal chain. The chassis does not resonate, the connectors and wires are top notch, the switch and control, are also, top notch. It works with my 3 dacs, 4 tuners, and my many ( still ) amplifiers, and is, ime, and imo, perfect....for me, and, that, is all that matters. Enjoy, and stay safe.....Always, MrD.