Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?

Wondering why more people aren't into reel to reel if they're looking for the ultimate analog experience? I know title selection is limited and tapes are really expensive, but there are more good tapes available now than ever before.
People refer to a recording as having "master tape quality",  well you can actually hear that master tape sound through your own system and the point of entry to reel to reel is so much more affordable than getting into vinyl.  Thoughts? 
Yeah, I thought long and hard before passing that Sony up. I'm good with my Ampex ATR-102 and two Studers. There's some work I need to put into the rest of my equipment and have them all working at an optimal level is my focus.
For me it is another very expensive rabbit hole.  If you have the cash and inclination, so be it.  Most that I have encountered chasing this Nirvana reserve bragging rights and usually that's all they want to talk about.  I've heard a few mega expensive setups at audio shows and I just came to the conclusion that it's just not practical for those who aren't well heeled or willing to spend that much to receive the diminished return.  FWIW.
Dear @orpheus10  : ""  while SS makes a facsimile of the signal..""

exactly as tubes or any reproduction medium.

Btw, first than all I'm a music lover and the hardware is a necessity for we can reproduce the software at home and I always try to optimize that hardware to achieve the best I can through my room/system in order to put the MUSIC enjoyment as high is posible. Tha's all.


Raul, I'm an electronics technician, that's how I earned a living. There was a time when I lived by specifications, and SS was always the best.

When my highly rated SS preamp bit the dust, I decided to try tubes. A dealer sent me a a CJ tube loaner, it was a PV10. This preamp had "apparent" distortion, there was no mistake about it, but the music sounded better.

I invited an audiophile friend over to evaluate who hears better than me. He immediately noted that although there was both noise and distortion, the music came through all of that, and it sounded better "musically".

Some people like the "sound" of things while others distinguish how close whatever it is to live music; it's possible that the sound they like is not the closest to live music.

I believe what I say is "true", while you believe what you say is true. In the end, it's not about the truth, but what you prefer.

Tubes all the way baby! I run my VPI Prime Sig Rosewood through a Bob's Device SUT, then an Aric Audio Transcend tubed phono stage with a separate chassis for the tubed power supply, and then into a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated Amplifier. Phenomenal and dead quiet. My ReVox PR99 MKI is the same way - super silent into the Primaluna and an auditory delight!