shkong78, Thanks for giving us the results of your shoot out. It's a lot of work to gather and listen to all those tubes in your system.
Aside from which tubes are among the best, I take away a couple of points. First, the law of diminishing returns applies big time in audio. you're going to pay a hefty premium to get something that is considered "the best".
Second, There is no one best for everyone. Our ears, systems, and rooms are all different. The tube that sounds right in one person's system may not sound right in another's. If you're looking for the best tube in your system, you have to try them out yourself.
Thanks again for the info.
Aside from which tubes are among the best, I take away a couple of points. First, the law of diminishing returns applies big time in audio. you're going to pay a hefty premium to get something that is considered "the best".
Second, There is no one best for everyone. Our ears, systems, and rooms are all different. The tube that sounds right in one person's system may not sound right in another's. If you're looking for the best tube in your system, you have to try them out yourself.
Thanks again for the info.