Bryston 7Bsst2 vs Parasound JC1

Just bought a used(basically brand new) pair of Polk Lsim 707. I know the Polks don’t get much attention in Audiogon forum, but to my ears they just sound excellent. I am coming from Magnepan 1.7 and 2 subs. Been using the maggies with Parasound JC1’s via JC2 preamp and W4S dac2. After swapping out the speakers, the low end of the Polks were incredible right off the bat. No need for subs. The only issue I did see with these speakers were high frequency which I thought was the effect of Polk sound signature. It is a warm and laid back sound. I heard no complaints from the wife, and I sensed she approves the purchase. I just wished it had just a bit more sparkle.

Just for giggles, I replaced the JC1s with Bryston 7Bsst2 which I had stowed away. Holy $%!#. The treble comes alive and the bottom end is even tighter than JC1s. no bloat what so ever. I likeeee.

Anyone prefer Bryston 7B series over Parasound JC1 with their speaker of choice?

One more question.  Any preamp recommendation to my system?  I would love to upgrade my preamp, currently JC2. 

If you like the Bryston, there's a guy on Agon right now with a Two BP-26's & MPS2 for $2k. That's a deal. I paid more for one BP-26 and I love it.
I haven't heard the Parasounds, but I have heard the Brystons, and they are great amps, in my opinion.
Before you swap out your preamp/amp, you might consider trying a different DAC. I had a W4S DAC2 for a couple years and wasn't really happy with it (I had MG3.6r at the time). I thought my two-decade-old Levinson 39 CD player used as a DAC sounded better (granted, this was higher $$$ even though fairly old). I bought a Schiit Yggdrasil which I liked MUCH better than the W4S. 

I'm now using a Denafrips Terminator with the Parasound JC-2 BP and JC-5 and think it sounds quite good, but of course it's all about system synergy.

Bryston gear is excellent as well (I have a couple of components), and if that works better in your system, go for it. I'm sure you'll be able to get a good price for your JC-1s as they are very highly regarded. 
My choice would be stay with the Bryston monos!

 Better service.
great amps.

pack up the Parasound for backups. I have a backup amp,pre, cd, just in case.