If I still had that Triumph 650 desert sled that I spent hours on in Mojave Desert races, I’d have it restored, and just lean it up against the wall in the family room. It would be there not to be ridden, but just to be admired. Above it, hanging on the wall, had I not sold it, would be the Bob Jackson, all Campy Record equipped, and 753 tubed frame road bike that I no longer could ride. The fond memories brought back of the tens of thousands of miles collectively put on both machines would be delightful.
On the audio equipment ... At this point, I have no idea what my electronics sound like because they no longer have any sound of their own that I can discern. Its just music all the time, spewing forth from a magical music machine, allowing a true performance to unfold in the listening room.
On the audio equipment ... At this point, I have no idea what my electronics sound like because they no longer have any sound of their own that I can discern. Its just music all the time, spewing forth from a magical music machine, allowing a true performance to unfold in the listening room.