Looking for an integrated amp around 4000 to 5000.

I am currently looking to upgrade from a Rogue Pharaoh integrated. I have Ascendo C8 Rennasance speakers 88  DB. 6 ohm. PC to Wyred4sound DAC 2. Looking for some input on others experience. Considering Levinson 585 or Primaluna EVO 400. I need a line out for a sub. Prefer a balanced in but that is not a deal breaker. I welcome all recommendations.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpal
@pal As @klh007 asked, what can you tell us about the sonics you’re seeking in an upgrade that you’re not getting from your amp? I can’t believe (well yes I can) people are just recommending gear left and right without even understanding your musical priorities. People will always just recommend their favorite brands or what they use themselves without listening to you or asking probing questions.

Can you describe the "change" you’re looking for? If you are simply looking for a change then that’s easy - just buying something else....anything else.

And why do you need a line out for a sub?  Many people find it sounds best to simply connect to a high level input on a sub.
Seconds on Parasound gives you everything that you need and John Curl designed.