Recommendations for a stereo power amp with a XLR/RCA input switch around $2k

I recently scored a Cary SLP-98P tube preamp that I’m currently powering through my Musical Fidelity M6si integrated HT bypass. I’m thinking of selling the integrated to get a dedicated stereo power amp. Naturally I’m considering their M6s PRX model because I like the Musical Fidelity sound (beefy and musical). I also like that it has an input switch between the XLR and RCA inputs.

I know some people here are not MF fans (not sure why and don’t care to get into that), but would I be missing out if I get the MS6 PRX over another amp? What other amps around the $2k mark should I consider? My goal is to get a neutral/musical sound, with good controlled bass that is not over analytical or fatiguing, and prefer Class A and A/B. I play jazz, electronica and rock mostly. My speakers are Tannoy XT8f FYI.
I like the MF a lot and think it would be a good match with your Cary. The MF is naturally slightly forward and combined with the slightly warm nature of your Cary preamp, I think you would end up in a very Happy place.

Incidentally, a lot of dealers really hate MF because it was one of the first big brands to move on-line and they have nothing nice to say about it.  This may be influencing peoples POV on the brand as I had multiple dealers tell me how crappy it was prior to becoming a dealer myself.  

A bit pricier, I would look at the Rogue Hydra. It is a class D with a tube input stage. I own one of these and love it. You would probably want to roll in different tubes. Used, you can find these in the $2K range.

Hey Galacticmayan, did you ever settle on an amp that allows both the XLR/RCA inputs? I am in a similar position with the same DAC and price range.  Would love to hear the results of your search.