Simple question, or is it...

What exactly is an audio signal made of, and what exactly is the medium it travels through in a cable??
Audio signals are mundane there's no miracles involved. No E=mc^2 we aren't splitting atoms. Audio signals aren't sound they are representations of sound in the form of electrical waves propagated through a conductive material in most cases copper. If you want a visualization for a history major on physics try Brian Greene "The Elegant Universe ".  Let's return to the mundane question of audio signals and leave the miracles for religious charlatans there's enough charlatans in audio as it is. 
Well i'll be ! 
 And all this time I was a'thinkin they were made from "Little girls dreams, Rainbows and Unicorn farts..........."
a re-creation of an acoustic wave(s) involving continuously varying amplitude(s) and frequency(ies).

captured via _____, recreated via _______
  djones51 ...
  • "Let's return to the mundane question of audio signals and leave the miracles for religious charlatans ..."

"That which is hidden from the most learned is revealed to mere children."