Speaker manufacturers or box manufacturers with off the shelf drivers?

This is nothing new, it has existed for decades.  There are several good makers of speakers that make their own drivers and those that build boxes and put ScanSpeak or some other "purchased" drivers in their boxes.  

This is not ment to be demeaning or a put down, it is more of a question.  With so many speaker "builders" using off the shelf drivers...is this simply a "high-end" version of Radio Shack or are these legit high-end products? 

 I do not know if other manufactures sell their drive units to box manufacturers....

Progression of a speaker company:
1) Make from OTS drivers2) Have OTS drivers tweaked.3) Have driver company manufacture to your spec.4) Buy sub-components from driver companies and assemble.5) Full turn-key

Where you are in that progression is a function of volume, margin, exclusivity (ties back to margin), and business model, both yours and of available driver companies.

OTS drivers can be excellent, but you are limited to their parameters so it can be difficult if building a product family, as large volume companies do, that is "consistent".  Tweaking parameters on OTS can allow you to avoid a trade-off you really didn't want to make, or even change your cabinet size a bit for aesthetic reasons.

Building your own drivers is about differentiation, but also about controlling the margin stack, accepting less "profit" in one part of your operation to support another design decision.

If you have a high dollar high margin product, you may have more flexibility w.r.t. custom design at low volume as well.

Low cost custom MFG in Asia has changed business models as well. Where it may have made sense to bring it in-house before at a particular volume, now that volume is much higher as someone can do a somewhat full custom for you cheaper, similar to how many companies do not manufacture in house any more, at least for most subassemblies, unless really high volume.
@rixthetrick Unfortunately, it isnt as easy as using a bit of steel in the cabinets. If it was, EVERY company would be doing it even in their cheap speakers. The ML1s are horribly overpriced. And get bad reviews. You should read the stereomojo review. Absolutely horrible. There is nothing special about what Mike has done. it is an mdf box with some parts in there and all glued or screwed together. The steel plates dont require a genius to do. I could get some steel plates cut for me and then glue them in to ANY speaker. Do not be duped. 
OTS drivers can be excellent, but you are limited to their parameters so it can be difficult if building a product family, as large volume companies do, that is "consistent".

There are many OTS drivers on the market so there is no limitation of parameters. 
Thanx verdantaudio. Well said. It is not the driver but how it is used. There certainly is an element of trial and error here especially with cross overs. Enclosures are the real problem. They can screw up a perfectly good driver. There are a bazillion great drivers out there you just have to make the right choice. It is quite possible for a DIYer to make a wonderful sounding speaker with off the shelf parts. 
Enclosures are the real problem.
@mijostyn why dont you tell us what the solution is to this problem?