The forces themselves remain occult qualities. If our physical and mathematical descriptions were equal to the phenomena they describe, then the real meaning of existence could ultimately be expressed in a formula—as Douglas Adams parodies this point, the meaning of life might be “42”!
So: what are the phenomena Millercarbon so succinctly describes?
Ah, there’s the rub! There are many “answers,” but none of them are definitive. And this fact is itself instructive. The “reality” we presume to “understand” in physics is, in itself, necessarily beyond our grasp. To take Shakespeare out of context, there is more in heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamed of in your philosophy—or science.
And so, there remains room for speculation, mystery, and the many emotive features we, as audiophiles, are so thrilled by that we’re willing to part with large sums of money to achieve it.
>>>>>English major, right?