Hansen Prince & tubed amps

I've been considering changing to the Hansen Prince, but am concerned that my amps - Shindo Sinhonia - which are rated at 40 watts, may not have sufficient power for these speakers which are rated at only 87db. Does anyone have experience with these Hansens and tubed amplification of comparable power? thanks.
Many thanks, Cmalak, for that very detailed and helpful answer. It is certainly make me think again about these speakers. The local dealer only has the Knight for auditioning, and this is similarly rated but I don’t know whether the impedance differs. But from what you’re saying, impedance is the critical factor.
My listening preferences are jazz, and classical and room size is 13 X 20, and I don’t listen at high levels, so I don’t think that is an issue.
My current speakers are the Ascendo MS, (rated @91db). These are normally used with ss or amps like the CAT – so lots of power. Having said that, the Sinhonias are coping with them, but at their limit. It seems from what you’ve said, by moving to the Hansens I might be going from the frying pan into the fire!! So I guess I should be looking at alternative speakers to the Princes.
Thanks also to Charles1dad.
Kegonsan...generally with mid-power tube amps like your Shindos, you want speakers that are fairly sensitive (90dB+) but more importantly speakers that do not present the partnering tube amp with a difficult load. Look for speakers that are nominally rated as an 8ohm impedance speaker with no dips below 6 ohms. Also the flatter the impedance curve the better as tube amps generally do not like big shifts in impedance across the frequency spectrum. Some speaker brands to think about - DeVore Fidelity, Coincident Technology, Audio Note, Audio Kinesis, and Merlin (plus many others but these come to mind).

Personally, I would seek out the Devore Silverback Reference speakers and audition them with your amp. I think you will like this combo very much. I admit I have not heard speakers from the other lines so I cannot comment on their sound other than to say they are typically tube-friendly and on paper should mate well with your amps.

Good luck.
Boy, Cmalak is on a roll with great suggestions(I own Coincident speakers they`re superb) that`s a very good list of tube friendly speakers. I`d also add Horning and Tonian Lab as potentially exceptional mates with the Shindo amps. I think all the above would match much better than the Hanson speakers i.e. much easier and relaxed load.
Once again, thanks guys for those added comments. Much appreciated. It's certainly given me a better understanding of what to be looking for when matching speakers and power, as well as some speaker products to explore.
Kegonsan...let us know what direction you go with. Would be interested to see how you make out.

Charles1dad...you have a great looking (and I am sure sounding) system.