DAC or CD PLAYER?...again

I have a Manley Stingray II amp and a new pair of Merlin TSM-XMr's coming soon. I was getting close to buying a Rega Apollo CD player, new or used. Now I'm wondering if I should use my 250 dollar Oppo CD player as a transport and add something like a Dacmagic. Then I can also run a laptop with music files and such.

But the bottom line is whether the Oppo and a 400-600 dollar DAC will be as good as the Rega Apollo or other good CD player in that range.

After liking the cheaper Oppo over a modded Jolida CDP, I'm not ready to pull out any big bucks for a CD player, but I'd like something fairly good out of the gate while I break the new system in.


I had a a Rega Planet CD player. It quit reading discs a few weeks after the warranty expired. They wanted $400 to fix it. I passed on that. I have not had good luck with Rega products. YMMV
Since this is a 10-year old thread I guess it's fair to go off topic...
After I ordered my Rega Apollo in 2009 the loaner from the shop would not read discs, need to be reset (off/on), show door open with the door closed, etc. probably 10 times in the week I had it. I also read on forums that this was an issue but that Rega had addressed. I told the owner if mine messed up like that I would return it ASAP. I still have it and aside from a few very rare (a few times a year?)  times I haven't had any issue with it at all.