Help with hearing problems

Maybe this is as off topic as it can get but with bad hearing there not much joy with a real good hifi system.

The problem is that my ears are plugged most of the time and it is affecting my hearing a lot. Most music sound hard so right now it's all soft jazz (:

I have visited 3 different doctors and they all took the same measurements and came to the same conclusion, that they couldn't find anything wrong. They could see that my hearing was affected on the left ear but later on I got another hearing test and my hearing was okay. I was expecting the second test would show that everything was okay because I wasn't having any problems with my ears at that time.

The problems with my ears started 3 years ago after a real nasty could. In periods lasting around a month everything has been fine. But for the last 5 months my ears have really been bad.

I have tried different ways to “blow” my ears and Googled a lot, but I am desperate now and grasping for every straw I can find.

Any help in any form is much appreciated.

I went through a couple of time, when my hearing took a dump, once behind exposure to starting fluid, got doused with the stuff.
The second was a reaction to certain types of pollens. I don't get allergies for the most part.
Have you moved? Crazy question? Not really, takes couple years for some folks to get use to a new area, water, pollens, bad

And the bad cold? Did you get a high fever?
Happened to my aunt, she lost a lot of her hearing behind a bad fever,
actually prefered signing.

Tendonitis? Can drive you nuts too, watch the caffeine. Certain drugs mess with your hearing too.

Hope you find an answer...

So, regular washing with body wash and the shower head should be done.  Also, maybe the problem isn't your ears but your sinuses.  I suggest a nasal rinse.  Be sure to use purified water (pharmacy sells them by the gallon) and not tap.
Nasal rinse will clean out the sinuses really well. Were any of the doctors you visited an ENT? Or audiologists? This is expensive but it beats neti pots IMO.