I always decouple, no matter the floor..No spikes ever...I dampen the enclosure, as much I can. If you can get the KNOCH factor to green concrete, you've done a good job...
I go by the pound..about 60 lb a foot for monitors, bass lowriders or bass columns.
I'd hang the darn things if I could figure a way without turning the room into looking like the Big Top at Barnum and Bailey's..
@ 60 lb a foot, that's over a ton hanging from the rafters, with just 4, columns. There are 8 enclosures in there.
Hanging is out, spikes are out.
Adjustable spring mounts and silicone.
A spring suspension and different viscous ratings for the rubber, from staying liquid (like an accumulator, or a shock), to a VERY hard dry material.
Hospital generators, and power plants in floating structures use them.. Where I got the idea from 40 years ago. ZERO harmonics, as long as the dampeners would stay charged, (no leaks from the bladders) with nitrogen
There is NOT a better way to control harmonics...
Vibration = distortion, simple...