Is it fine to bunch together power wires?

When organizing your equipment do you bunch together all or as many as you can of the power cords as possible?
Every wire with current flowing through it, power or otherwise, that same current generates a magnetic field around it. Whenever a magnetic field crosses a wire it induces a current in that wire. This is principle on which transformers and phono cartridges work. So your question boils down to, is it fine to induce extraneous currents into your wires?

I think not.
Damn, I’ve been doing it wrong for all my life!  LOL

Now, I don’t even know where to begin by organizing mine again. 

I recently bought Furman Elite PF20i and I did notice an improvement in the sound. I still combined and routed as many power wires as I could. UGH!
Alright, I want to see how audiophiles organize theirs. 
I’m not going to the extreme of the system posted above because my OCD would not allow that kind of chaos. 🤪
I’d like to see some ideas for cable managment for audiophiles that don’t have spread out equipment like the one above. 

My equipment is inside a BDI credenza cabinet.