Interesting Fed Ex encounter...

So I was offered to do a little review on some Fritz Carreras last month and it was time to send them back.  I’m stuck at home with a broken leg so Fritz was kind enough to have Fed Ex pick them up at my home.  So, I had them all boxed up and ready to go on Tuesday. Fed Ex comes to the door and I have him come in and grab the box (he did not know what was in the box, just a plain u haul box).  I didn’t even think to ask if I had to sign or if I could get a receipt (mistake on my part no doubt).  Just me snapping a pic or taking a video would have been smart.  Fast forward to today (Friday) and apparently Fed Ex says they came on Tuesday, no one was home, so they came back Wednesday; no one home again so they cancelled the pick up.    Interestingly, fed ex did come back Wednesday and Mom answers the door and informs the Fed Ex gentleman that the package was picked up Tuesday.  The gentleman responds “hmmm, I was off Tuesday”.  
So as of today, Fed Ex apparently has no record of anything being picked up.  Well crap, I’m freaking out, Fritz is concerned obviously and I’m at a loss.  So I start texting all my neighbors to see if anyone has something on camera and sure enough, my neighbor 2 doors down has time stamped video of fed ex pulling up, coming to my door and then struggling to carry the large, 65 pound box back to his truck...  

My neighbor forwarded me the video which I forwarded to Fritz...

My advice is to not let this happen to you and mg question is where do I go from here?

What a mess!
Glad to hear good new ! Thank god it didn’t get loss ! Can’t wait to see them !
Fritz called a little while ago and updated me... whew.

I will sleep better tonight knowing that they will be going to their new owner soon.

@alt4love, you are in for a treat!  Take care of them and enjoy them. I definitely got attached to them and want them to go to a good home.  Please update us with your impressions of them on my review that I did on them.

here the link to the review...
It is possible that was not a valid fed ex driver....Or  an  ex Fed Ex driver who still has access to his truck.
It's very odd indeed that you did not ask for a receipt isn't it? How old are you? I could understand this mistake if it was made by a kid that hasn't done a lot of shipping or receiving transactions.

Assuming this video is legit-- has a time and date stamp on it etc., I would demand that your local Fed-X hub conduct a physical search of their warehouse. 

I once had a UPS package from Lenovo not arrive and the driver claimed he tried to deliver the box but no one way home-- and the driver left no door tag that he even tried to deliver it. I demanded a warehouse search of my local hub and sure enough they found the box and set it aside for me. I drove to the hub and picked it up and all was good.
Our UPS driver lies about making delivery attempts because we are getting the street repaired, and apparently he doesn’t think he can stop to deliver (as FedEx, Amazon, USPS, etc do fine) at our house and is too lazy to shag his ass down 3 houses from the nearest cul-de-sac that is unaffected.

UPS=Union Package Smashers!
Seriously, though, even when all is good with the street, stuff shipped via FedEx looks untouched, and stuff from UPS looks like it was drug behind the truck the last mile or two - I swear they could break an anvil . . .