I have had tinnitus (no hearing loss under 6Khz) for 4 months and hyperacusis for a couple of years. If you have either of these make sure you avoid high volume environments, or at least wear earplugs if you do. You can get earplugs moulded to your ears with filters which take off between 10db to 30db yet do not interfere with the frequencies, so they are perfect for gigs.
I have got used to the tinnitus but to start with it sent me into a very low mental state which was very unpleasant. The hyperacusis is more manageable though sadly I can no longer enjoy listening to my daughter play the piano - anything above middle C is painful.
The only time the tinnitus affects my music listening is in quiet passages where it sounds like a lot of tape hiss is coming through.
The hyperacusis meanwhile does make harsh top-end painful - it means I have moved from a rather brittle sounding Naim system to a velvet-like Vitus set up.
I have got used to the tinnitus but to start with it sent me into a very low mental state which was very unpleasant. The hyperacusis is more manageable though sadly I can no longer enjoy listening to my daughter play the piano - anything above middle C is painful.
The only time the tinnitus affects my music listening is in quiet passages where it sounds like a lot of tape hiss is coming through.
The hyperacusis meanwhile does make harsh top-end painful - it means I have moved from a rather brittle sounding Naim system to a velvet-like Vitus set up.