Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?

I am aware of the SBooster at 400 dollars. Any recommendations?
The IFI power  is a perfect solution for a switch or router. But not for your mytek! Even compared to the internal psu it hasn,t the current or ampere. If you like a Sps in stead of Lps take the SotM sps500. Fine upgrade for you Brooklyn; But the Farad3 or Teddy Pardo,s are the better choices..
I use the SBooster with my DAC+.  I think it made a nice improvement.  Deeper, tighter bass, wider sound stage and more silence between the notes.  It's a refinement and not a night and day difference.
Anyone ran the Mytek Brooklyn on just batteries. Maybe buying 2.. keeping one charging in the Garage? Are there batteries that are recommended for just this purpose? Anyone guess how long a charge would last?

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coachpoconnor "Was there any sound improvement?"

Yes I think so (but not a night and day thing), But yes for sure aduiable. This is on a Lumin T2. Not sure about if it is recommended/made for your unit?

A bit more telling was the power supply I removed was minuscule conspired to the extremal SBooster.

Some higher end streamers have external power supplies. A clue.

Cleaner power always a great way to go. A clue times a clue.