Fidelity Research FR64s Headshell dilemma

Dear FR64S users can you help me please. I have an FR64S that i bought without a headshell. I have only just got round to getting it mounted. I did pivot to spindle distance of 231.5 (the alternative distance' I also have an armboard for 230.
I tried a Sony headshell that i had - it was 2mm short of correct alignment. So I bought a new Jelco headshell it was also too short. 
CAn you tell me what headshell does work to allow other cartridges to work. I'm just using a DL103 for alignment first as I fettle the rest of my front end.

u have it right. I have one clearaudio guage - thats it.
the denon is not my only cartridge - just for initial testing. I have a paratrace tipped shelter 501 and a transfiguration temper at my disposal.
i’ve always aligned using my guage - i have never just put a cartridge into a headshell and put parallel as i thought that was too imprecise
Yeah, i'm not trying to say you have no idea how to set-up and align a cartridge, i just said that Conical tip is less sensitive to everything (to errors in adjustment of antiskating, vta, vtf etc) than for example Paratrace or any LineContact type of the stylus that require precise alignment and adjustment of everything (or they just don't play well). 

For this reason Conical used for professional needs on radio stations and in the clubs where everything can be off. 

Referential opacity. How does one know that ''Ikeda headshells'' 
are Ikeda's? How does one know that retip by Van den Hul is
done by Van den Hul? As we should know no cart producer
produce his own cantilever/stylus combo. Why should this be
the case with other parts? My opinion is that all FR or Ikeda
headshells are worthless. This also apply for FR phono cables.
But there is this illusion about ''original parts''. Americans seems
to attribute some special ''quality '' to the word ''original''.
Old cars with original parts are sold for millions dollars.
But then one also talks about ''improved versions''. How is
any improvement  possible  without  changing any original
part?  What about ''Japanese wonder''  Deed they not improved 
Western products by improving their parts? 
Post removed 
Addition, Typical example of referential opacity is Orsonic.
There are 3 versions : AV-1 ; AV 11 and AV 101. Those are 3
different ''animals'' to which is referred with the same name.
So those who don't like ''Orsonic'' probably mean the first light
version AV-1 . Its rigidity is obvious problem. But AV 101 weight
14.5 g and looks very sturdy (aka very rigid). 
The other way round is the case with Jelco HS-25 . This one is
offered under different names but with  the same bearer . Sumiko
HS- 12 is identical with HS-25 and some other. All with different
prices. So when one has not idea to which object an name refers
one can't know what he is talking  about.  I have seen Sumiko
for $30 and Jelco for $80.