Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.



Too beautiful to go back to sleep

The morning sprite before the sun

black silhouetted trees that edge the world

respeak stillness as night’s undone


in quiescent twilight day is birthed

So perfect in its offering

infinite outcomes by love conceived

Immaculately separate from our suffering


To taste the dew that’s offered up

One would have to sacrifice

The comfort of one’s darkened view

The tradeoff believed that will suffice


So it’s a crow that breaks the dawn

Unravels peace that must unwind

And signals end to mornings birth

To usher deeds of manunkind


Too beautiful to be believed

timeless in its continuing

Miraculous to be conceived

So fragile in its offering



Peter Ledermann

The Soundsmith Haiku

focused discipline
he teases out the magic
violence to grace

Hi Peter,
Your building me a Paua.
Thank you sir.
Mike Rubey

Post removed 
as things go...I picked up an immaculate TX today, it has a serviceable MMC4 Peter I shall be in touch...