coachpoconnor "Was there any sound improvement?"
Yes I think so (but not a night and day thing), But yes for sure aduiable. This is on a Lumin T2. Not sure about if it is recommended/made for your unit?
A bit more telling was the power supply I removed was minuscule conspired to the extremal SBooster.
Some higher end streamers have external power supplies. A clue.
Cleaner power always a great way to go. A clue times a clue.
Yes I think so (but not a night and day thing), But yes for sure aduiable. This is on a Lumin T2. Not sure about if it is recommended/made for your unit?
A bit more telling was the power supply I removed was minuscule conspired to the extremal SBooster.
Some higher end streamers have external power supplies. A clue.
Cleaner power always a great way to go. A clue times a clue.