Missing tube integrated for Klipsch Forte III?

2 weeks ago i acquired and set up the forte iii's in my 25x35 basement (8ft ceilings).  i paired it with a gorgeous yamaha as-2100 - man that amp is beautiful and solidly built.    granted, both the forte's and that amp aren't really broken in yet BUT (i hate) i am missing that low end bass presence that i hear so much about from tube people.   they all talk about "bass slam."   it's not that the yamaha doesnt deliver, but i'm just not feeling it as a slam.   i understand the primaluna evo 300 uses EL34 tubes and are supposed to be highly musical, dynamic, and able to slam.   reading all those reviews leaves me tempted to try to tube route.   thoughts?   looking for real low end at low volumes with great detailed resolution up top (but not too bright).   i do love the build quality and aesthetics of the yamaha - would be hard to see that go on a trade.   
Wow your talking apples, and  oranges here. 

The room is big.. Is there room treatment?
50-150 hours on the breakin. 

The speaker needs to be pretty close on the back side 2-12" MAX

They are not know for, tow in, to much. Kind of a straight forward speaker.
The back wall distance is pretty important, though. Closer is better.

El 34s are not know for BASS slam, in any of the circles I run in.
Mid bass, mids, and highs..

If you're the kind of person that like, more... MORE,  M O R E... I'd be going the other direction, away from the valves. The Yamaha is 150-60 watts @ 4 ohms

The little valve amp, is 25-35 WPC with EL34s.

6L6s,6550,KT88,90 would all have better lower ends, but probably not as good in the mid bass, mids, and highs, of the EL34s KT77

A valve top end and SS bottom end, would be very nice.  It would also cost 2-4 times the amount.

For the dollar SS is gonna deliver more, a lot more, BASS.

Folks are gonna chime in about bass boxes (subs), WAIT.. let it break in,
Klipsch is no slouch when it comes to bass. Really.. Place the boxes..

Happy listening


It’s a large room. Also Sounds like you are at house concrete foundation level. If so the bass will be more heard and less felt.

if you want more slam the solution would be to add a powered subwoofer  or subs  
Forte III is not a low end machine. Mapman made a very good suggestion to add subs.

516 posts
05-17-2020 12:57pm
Forte III is not a low end machine. Mapman made a very good suggestion to add subs.

tuberist, I'll tell you, their not bad.. really.. They may not, LOL,
SLAM, whatever that means, go deep enough? Maybe?
But they measure pretty well, the bass is not bloated, nor is it lacking. Compared to most, in that range, 802 and a few other,
They can reach right down there, with pretty good authority.

If you want, Boom Boom, in the room room... different, question..

OP was asking about Valve, Amps, and EL34s for god sakes.. hee hee
Got to get the guy on the same page first..BASS and EL34 don't really go together with the word SLAM!

But they play pretty good down to 40 hz or so.
Very Klipsch. like.. It's a horn...
But OP,  knew that going in, right?.
Klipsch is horn loaded. and, a loudspeaker,
in every conceivable way. Get them close to the back wall
really.. I've actually tinkered with this speaker,
nephew has a pair. Don't pull them out from the wall.
Won't image well, but that is the factory preferred way


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With my Heresy IV speakers I am using Tung-Sol 7581a tubes in my Primaluna Dialogue Premium. Find they have almost the minds of the El34 but stronger low end with the extra watts. Used KT88s,  EL34s, and KT120s previous but the 7581a is the keeper for me.

Not likely a fix for the lack of bass though. Subs or a different speaker.