Vandersteen 2c vs Thiel CS2

About the same price but which one is a better deal? What are the cons and pros of each? Currently have an Aragon amp with an emotiva preamp with Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers. Also an mk sub. What should I buy or just keep my current bookshelf ones?
Thiels have very pronounced treble. That gives them great imaging, air, and soundstaging, but can make them hard to listen to. I finally built a low-pass filter to tame them.
Can you kindly provide details of the low-pass filter?

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@imhififan :  Regarding details of the low-pass filter, my regrets; it was too long ago, and I no longer have details. It was a simple R-C passive filter sketched out by a friend who knows electronics better than I. I assembled it into a little aluminum box, long gone.
Thanks for your quick response, I've used Jantzen 0.33mH foil coil in series to the coax xover to tame sibilance on bright recordings.

I like both. Many years ago after nearly a year of auditions of many different speakers  at various dealers in the NYC tri-State area, it came down to these very two. I was already to buy the Vandy 2’s, when dealer suggested giving the Thiel CS 2’s a listen, well a few hours later I left with the Thiel’s. IMHO, the Vandy’s are warmer with deeper bass, the Thiel’s better in transient attack, and tighter bass. Matter of taste.