Vandersteen 2c vs Thiel CS2

About the same price but which one is a better deal? What are the cons and pros of each? Currently have an Aragon amp with an emotiva preamp with Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers. Also an mk sub. What should I buy or just keep my current bookshelf ones?
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@imhififan :  Regarding details of the low-pass filter, my regrets; it was too long ago, and I no longer have details. It was a simple R-C passive filter sketched out by a friend who knows electronics better than I. I assembled it into a little aluminum box, long gone.
Thanks for your quick response, I've used Jantzen 0.33mH foil coil in series to the coax xover to tame sibilance on bright recordings.

I like both. Many years ago after nearly a year of auditions of many different speakers  at various dealers in the NYC tri-State area, it came down to these very two. I was already to buy the Vandy 2’s, when dealer suggested giving the Thiel CS 2’s a listen, well a few hours later I left with the Thiel’s. IMHO, the Vandy’s are warmer with deeper bass, the Thiel’s better in transient attack, and tighter bass. Matter of taste.
With an Aragon 2004 I’d go with the Vandy’s. Pretty much agree with the opinions noted above. I owned the 2C and dragged home the CS2 (worked at a shop that carried both Thiel and Aragon) and I didn’t care for them but at the time I probably didn’t have the best amp for the Thiel’s either. At the shop we used McCormack if one was looking for a SS amp to play on the Thiel’s or larger ARC tube amps. The Aragon amps played well with PSB and some of the ProAcs we/they carried at the time.
Your Aragon is a nice amp but I don’t think it will partner well with the Thiel’s. The Vandy’s on the other hand play well with everyone and your amp will do very well to grip the bottom end and the top end should compliment the smoother Vandersteen’s. I owned the Sound Anchor bases and I would strongly suggest finding a set if the pair of 2C’s you are seeking don’t come with. Always best to listen first, but if you can not, the Vandersteen’s are the safer bet IMO. Good luck.