Does this translate?

In the current issue of Stereophile magazine ( June) is a write up of the new Aavik U-380. This piece of gear is a DAC, amp and phono stage. The amp is a Class D design. The reviewer is Jason Victor Serinus who concludes his review with this statement: "if I haven't convinced you of the U-380's worth by now, perhaps it's back to Fuller I should go"

Now here's the thing, this piece of gear is priced at $39,000-!!
So two questions...does this piece translate to $39,000- worth of electronics, ( i say no way) and secondly...should JVS go back to Fuller? ( I say
What say you?
I'm much more forgiving when it comes to the audio rags.   Even though Atkinson himself is too dry and data-driven for me, he has collected an entertaining, erudite staff.  I just love the pictures of the hardware, whether they're in the articles or in ads.  Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed how, over the years, the once healthily divergent Stereophile and Absolute Sound have become a veritable Mike & Ike, but that doesn't stop me from getting a smile on my face when they show up in the mail.  I have to say, too, that the magazines are far more authoritative & believable than the net.  Hey, with a published magazine, chances are decent that at least somebody with genuine knowledge of the subject takes a glance at what's been written before putting index finger to the send button.
@edcyn  Are you claiming that the review that I referenced that JVS wrote about the Jadis 200Mk2 was based on 'genuine knowledge'...??

does this piece translate to $39,000- worth of electronics,

$39k retail translates to $18k wholesale of which maybe $4k is electronics. So that would be a big fat no.

@daveyf  In fairness, they only "review" equipment that has already passed the 'audition' to get into the magazine in the first place.
daveyf -- As thread topics often do, the topic of the thread diverged from your original post.  I was just going with the flow.  And yeah, it's terrible.  Trying to control the direction of a thread is the cliche goes...trying to herd cats.