Comparing the Magnepan .7 to the Klipsch Heresy II

I think what is being said here is that these two speakers are so different it’s like chocolate and vanilla, both are good flavors.
its really a matter of personal preference as to which you prefer.
do you really need a bunch of opinions other than your own?
Okay some people like both (flavors / sounds) and switch speakers and components in and out from time to time just to switch things up. Variety is the spice of life.

Have fun and go listen for yourself and report back your findings I bet you would have a good discussion then,. 

The Heresy is more fun to listen to, especially with great tube amplification.  I'm using HIII with 40w of el34 power and it's more than plenty.   My brother uses his HIi with a 15 watt amp , and still plenty of power.... 15 watts

I will take the efficient speaker, low powered amp combo any day.
I already posted a lengthy review of the two speakers compared, sharing the differences along with a video since I have both. Since nobody replied, I simply deleted the post. Then others responded (rather ironic).