Difference in sound between Siemens e88cc and e188cc?

Interested in user experience with the Siemens e88cc and e188cc. In my rig the Siemens e88cc offers great detail, clarity, imaging, nauturalness and dynamics, but is far less tonally saturated than the Amperex e88cc. Is the Siemens e188cc (forget CCa -- $) better in that regard? How do the Siemens e88cc and e188cc differ in sound?
Mainly more energy in upper regions.
Something else is the ECC88 having more energy on top, lighter bass, even some have better mids compared to their bigger cousins, but are more prone to noise have more hiss and you have to check they can withstand the supplied voltage in circuit otherwise they will fail quickly. 
Read the following info page (at least, to 3/4 of the way down), from Tubemuseum.                  The iteration is variously referred to, as solid halo, solid getter, disc, etc., though- I have no doubt; it’s been called other things.                     https://www.tubemuseum.org/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SH_E88CC_1958       There are pics on that page, but the getter is virtually invisible.
Solid Disc getter had Siemens e88cc, E188CC after 1970 and valvo Hamburg e88cc and 6201 before.
Prior 1960 Philips variants and Siemens had d getter ( or square getter).
Dimple disc getter appeared end of 60's amperex ECC88, dario miniwatt e88cc, rtc e88cc, Mullard E88CC, E188CC, cv2493, cv2492 from 1969.
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