How good is the Lector CD player?

I have a friend that is so over the top,with satisfaction,that he is literally telling me to sell my Levinson 390s to buy this unit.I know it has gotten some good press,but doubt if I'm ready to sell my wonderful 390s,in favor of this unit.Any thoughts?Thanks.
Certainly will Sirspeedy, here is who will be seated at the "head" of the table.


Oh! and don't forget to bring Farber beans and a nice Chianti.
I have heard the lector as my cousin has it and it is a good player,but his buddy said it smoked his audiomecca Mephisto and i had the mephisto that that is not true to me anyway.the Duevel to me smoked both of them.Try it if you can as you have a very good player and see what happens.Good Luck,Bob