Does altitude change the sound of speakers??

Does altitude effect the sound of speakers? (Moved from Cleveland,Ohio 850' altitude to Prescott,AZ altitude 5,350')
Make sure you increase the timing by a couple ticks and lean out the carb. She’ll run fine. 
I'd like to intro our new motel chain....

Notell Motel
"We'll clean up after you....and we've got the vid. ;)"

@isochronism ....(re your 1st post)...Yup, altitude don't matter...'attitude'? You Bet! *L*

'High' efficiency will depend on what you spend....;)

Geo, hey!  'Seismic'?  What are you doing that makes the earth move?
Too much 'sub'....or what?
If you are new to Prescott- and please learn to pronounce that word
correctly please, you will want to join the
Tonight we have Ted Smith giving an interview. Over my head.
We also had Nelson Pass and Roger Sanders as guests.
Paul Barton is next week. 

Tuberist- One of my goals is to meet Mark Levinson, you?

no noticeable difference between 10' MSL & 6,247' MSL.  It was the -15' SL that produced some distortion.