Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
I agree with @dvdboulet on the power conditioner. While I do not have much experience with power conditioners (Brickwall was the only other one before this), I can say with confidence that this product literally transformed my listening experience. Why it works the way it works - I do not know. But it does and it mesmerizes me. Based on that experience alone I went ahead and decided to get the LS-2404 bi-wire speaker cables (Bob was insisting LS-1204, which are cheaper). "I am satisfied with these new cables", would be an understatement. You can read my mini review of that on this forum where I have detailed my experience about these cables.
But I would say, even the speaker cables beat my existing cables and I think that difference would have been evident even without the power conditioner. My plan is to get the ICs to replace my existing ones. You can say, the Inakustik products (Referenz series) have gained my faith.
Thanks so much for you feedback @milpai Unfortunately I just purchased some hand made custom cables from Maze Audio which I'm pretty happy about even though I'm a skeptic on cables. I'll be honest that I purchased them for the aesthetics as they come in a very nice white braided jacket. I'm in the camp that my ears are not good enough to hear different cables but who knows maybe that'll change as my system improves. Which was the bigger improvement for you? The power conditioner or speaker cables?
@rareace,Why "unfortunate"? You made a decision - be happy and enjoy it. If you think your ears are not good enough to differentiate cables, that is fine. Life is not about what cables or components you purchase after reading reviews. Just invest in more music and enjoy that.
As for which of the 2 Inakustik products made a bigger improvement - that is super difficult to answer because both upgrades made a significant improvement in my system. I started with the power conditioner and that raised the bar so high, it was like someone took a rug that was covering the speakers. With the cables the sound stage went from big to humongous, clarity improved even more and both ends of the sound spectrum opened up like never before. Hope this helps.

@milpai Thanks for info and I'm going to go ahead and place an order for the 3500P this weekend with Bob. Hopefully I'll get the same improvements you have experienced. Btw did you upgrade your ac receptacles?
I dunna know. I still can’t get over the fact that there is nothing inside it.
