If Audiophiles care about sound, then why so few threads on acoustics

... and so many on cables?

I am sure there are 10 if not 50 times more posts on cables too?

I would hope that as audiophiles we could agree that acoustics are far more important than cables. A cable may (or should) make a fraction of a db change. Acoustics can make several db changes (or more).  A cable may have some impact on clarity or soundstage (and many can rightfully debate that). Acoustics absolutely will have an impact on soundstage.

So what is the reason? 
  • Is it because acoustics are "hard", i.e. you really have to put some thought into it? 
  • Are acoustics not sexy enough? 
  • Is it because they are often unattractive?
  • Is it because they carry much in the way of bragging rights (at least with many audiophiles)?
  • Do they not provide enough "retail therapy"?
  • Most audiophile really don't understand much about acoustics and can't contribute?
  • The difference between those who understand acoustics and those that don't is substantial for people are fearful of wading into discussions?

Interested in people's thoughts. People will drop thousands on a cable, $10K on an amp, or turntable, but I don't see anywhere near that spend on acoustics in most cases.
Thank you @geoffkait, I can borrow a SPL meter to start with from one of the treated stores. Findings to follow.
Room acoustics can be a fairly complex subject... and imo if we’re talking about home audio, the speaker’s radiation characteristics and setup also come into play - in other words, it’s not just about the room.

" Unless you are sitting nearfield, there can be more energy in reflections than directed.... guess what reflected energy does to timing? "

The first part of that statement I agree with: Typically there is considerably more energy in the reflections than in the direct sound.

>>>>The sound pressure peaks in room corners and other oft unpredictable locations in the room - including the 3D space of the room - interfere with the primary signals from the speakers. How much do they interfere you might ask. Well, at normal listening volume the sound pressure peaks in room corners can be as much as 6-9dB above the average SPL in the room. That’s 2 to 3 times the average loudness! The comb filter effect of multiple sources of sound pressure in the room kill any chance you have of receiving a pure signal at the listening position. To make things more confusing the peaks might not be exactly in the room corner, it might be a foot or two from the corner. That’s why a SPL meter is valuable. Tube traps are sometimes put in the wrong place for that reason. 
Always appreciate the well thought out replies Duke!  The comment I made below was mainly a response to a previous post that was made "railing" w.r.t. potential phase issues with speakers, while claiming some speakers are so good, that they don't need a treated room. The point I was trying to make, perhaps in too few words, is that "perfect" phase alignment of drivers in a speaker can be effectively ruined by reflections (of indeterminate frequency response and timing), especially in a "bad" room.

Unless you are sitting nearfield, there can be more energy in reflections than directed.... guess what reflected energy does to timing? "