Audiologic owner's...

Do you go balanced on both the Inputs and Outputs or not?
I haven't. In all honesty, I don't recall anyone posting on AG regarding using them with AL.

One other thing I will add regarding input connections. When I spoke with JO, I intentionally asked him about ST-Optical and he was not particularly positive. I thought at the time that in the M34 manual that he had made some comments about it, but I could not put my hands on the manual when speaking with him. Later, I found the manual. Quoting from a portion of a paragraph on the page titled "Read Panel Interace"; "We recommend galss optical fiber".

Unfortunately, I can't use this right now as the ST-0ptical output on my transport is DOA. :o( I did have the opportunity while testing another transport to use the ST-Optical input on the M34, and while I admit that I only had a short time with it, it sounded VERY good. Anyone else using ST-Optical?
I am using balanced inputs and outputs with an Audio Logic 24MXL. As my Levinson 39 transport works best with a balanced output and my Levinson 380 preamp works best with balanced input (and output) I never have done a direct comparison of balanced versus unbalanced with the exact same cables to determine if a difference was distinctive with the AL 24.
I can tell you this. The AL24MXL put the DAC output of the Levinson 39 to shame and that was why I bought it. The only time I have heard my AL24MXL with unbalanced outputs was when I took it to a friends house to A-B it to a Theta Gen VIII DAC. I think the Theta had an XLR output and the Audio Logic had (out of necessity based on available cables and inputs) a balanced output. The Theta smoked it - particularly in the articulation and tightness of the bass.
However, I would still want to run that same test in my own system, with all balanced cables, before I will flat out concede superiority to the Gen VIII. But at twice the price, it SHOULD be better! But once I get a chance to make that comparison, the Gen VIII may be next in the ongoing upgrade path. That or the dCS Elgar.

Generally speaking though, I don't know one instance of balanced cables HURTING the sound quality (all things being equal), but because of the internal design of some electroncis, I have heard unbalanced operation that was clearly inferior.

I hope this helps.
Is you friend with the Theta a member BAAS? If so, he did a review on a site that basically trashed the 24MXL.
balanced dacs stages are a great question..

how many dacs have a dual differential output topology ?

a true balanced circut will increase the db(gain) and lower the floor noise due to cancellation...
Having just had my 24MXL repaired (a transformer went) I gather that the balanced input is a bit of a trick one and isn't actually truly balanced!