wadia 830 compared to cary 303/200

If anyone has had experience with these 2 cdp's could you please describe their strong/weak points..also which do you think would sound better with my system.
classe 10 amp or aragon 4004 ii
aragon 24k pre which I would bypass w /cdp
altec horn speakers
Thanks, Larry
I'm sure you've already bought a CDP but if it's any consolation I've had my 830 for 6 1/2 yrs. I bought it new and it has definitely been worth every penny of the $3,000. I paid for it. I love it and have not had a strong urge to sell it. I have had no problems with the unit either.

I'll chime in on the Wadia 830 too, I have had mine for about 3 years and it has easily ass whipped some highly regarded units in my system including the latest Cary which I wanted to like very much but... well, I still have my Wadia. Wadia is offering an upgrade to the 830 which might breathe new life into these older machines making them better than ever.

good listening