Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive

I'd like to know your thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of each drive system. I can see that direct drive is more in vogue over the last few years but is it superior to the other drive systems? I've had first-hand experiences with two out of the three drive systems but looking to learn more.
Hi @mijostyn ,

Good designed idle drive and DD don’t have high level of rumble.
But Steinway piano on a belt drive turntables sounds like cheap $100 electrical piano.
The sound of organ on a belt drive turntables is a total disaster.
If you listen pop music and sounds you don’t care, but for classical music a fine rhythm accuracy is everything. The fine rhythm makes a difference between a genius interpretation and mediocre interpretation. Also belt drive turntable sound has lack of energy, dynamics and life.
I think belt drive fashion it is the worst delusion in Hi-End audio.


Not only can you hear rumble but it also distorts everything else you woofers are doing.

I have a Rek-o-kut and it has a little rumble. It’s old and the plinth is crap. I also have 2 rebuilt and updated Garrard 401s. There is no rumble or woofer flapping on my Spendors or REL S3 sub. And piano and organ sound right. 
Mijo always trots out the good old high rumble fluff whenever idler drive is brought up.
Mijo, I invite you to come over and listen to my 401 playing through Spatial Audio M3 TM and a pair of ML subs.
Pretty sure between all of the large cones there one would be able to see/hear them “flapping” very easily.
Hey but what do I know,maybe I am blind as well as deaf, that must be it.....
Dear Lewm, from your description it looks to me you have never experimented with two motors and a serious belt (tape). Forget three motors! Four motors is an option if you put it in a design like Burmester does. Having implemented a serious 2nd motor in a proper way (use a very good steering appliance) you may reduce additional sources of noise and you have counterfighted the source of drawing the power to only one side! Think about it and maybe do it!

Dear Mijostin,
Clearaudio make some very good cartridges. Just take the Goldfinger II. They are famous for that, much more than their tables and arms. So I do agree with you on that. But not on your old/new comparison.  I do have new stuff, no problem about that. This is the reason why I am able to compare. If you go for an old and perfectly looked after vintage R 80 you end up at about 50 mios. I would not call it a bargain. Comparing a D103 against an Atlas is very easy, not forgetting that we have some very nice improvements on that cart. If you end up with subtle differences you really should change your amps and speakers. So we are talking about good systems and a serious approach to compare units in your own room.
