Difference in sound between Siemens e88cc and e188cc?

Interested in user experience with the Siemens e88cc and e188cc. In my rig the Siemens e88cc offers great detail, clarity, imaging, nauturalness and dynamics, but is far less tonally saturated than the Amperex e88cc. Is the Siemens e188cc (forget CCa -- $) better in that regard? How do the Siemens e88cc and e188cc differ in sound?
I searched for info and nothing comes up that's even more strange,
most propably 1 variant for a true very limited production as before 60's (58-59) Siemens had only d getter on 45 inclined and then straight post.
Nobody has seen it. Rarity though does not mean better sound.
Anything to offer about the Siemens D-getter e88cc/e188cc compared to the halo, solid disk and dimple disk?
Never tried a d getter Siemens E88cc so don't know their signature. I haven't seen same brand E188CC and believe never existed as E188CC came later. 
Dimple disc has a softer sound on top except the Mullards and is common in Philips family tubes.
Generally Halo getter or round getter has more pronounced mids and d getters are sounding more extended on top.
Please follow my other posts and you have the complete picture.