Sumiko BPS Evo III vs Hana EL/EH

Hi All,
I currently have the Sumiko Blue Point Special Evo3. The Hana is a similar price and has some great reviews. Has anyone here been able to compare the two? I was wondering if it would be an upgrade or more of a lateral move?
I'll be upgrading from my roughly 20 year old Rega Planar 2 to a Mofi Studiodeck in the very near future and am giving some consideration to a cartridge upgrade too.
Thank you.
That's probably what I'll end up doing. When I borrowed the Studiodeck from a local dealer, they happened to have the low output version of my cartridge. I would imagine an Evo 3 high output sounds extremely close to the Evo 3 low output. It was a huge step up from my Planar 2. My thought on potentially getting a cartridge now is that I may be able to get a package deal and save money in the long run. 
Why do you want an MC ?

Sumiko is very dangerous with unprotected cantilever that is easy to bent, i would never buy any cartridge designed like that. You will have to ship your MC cartridge to retipper each time the stylus is worn (say every 600 hrs if you don’t have a proper stylus profile). A High Output MC is nonsense, a Moving Coil must be low output (less coil winding). 

You could find a better MM or MI cartridge with user replaceable stylus (with better profile and better cantilever).

And why do you think a MoFi turntable is an upgrade ? From one belt-drive to another ?

The Mobile Fidelity is in Rega P3 territory sound-wise. If you want to go to the next level for not that much more, look at the Technics SL-1500GR. It will see off a Rega P6 especially if you replace the rubber mat. You can even change the arm in future if needed. Don't be too enamored with HOMC. They're not an easy route to higher-end LOMCs. 
I'd just spend slightly more on the Hana SL which is substantially better than the EL.  Truly a value for the money cart if there ever was one.
You haven’t mentioned what phono stage you are using, but if it has sufficient gain, then I would agree with the idea that the Hana SL is most likely superior to any other cartridge mentioned in this thread. I candidly admit that I am not a big fan of the Bluepoint special.