Synergistic Research Powercell SX Power Conditioner


There is not that much chatter about the SR powercell SX power conditioner so wanted to get people to share their thoughts especially with the SX powercable.  SR has already moved onto the SRX power cables so does that mean the SRX powercell will be released by spring 2021?  In any event I think their powercell 12 UEF SE is excellent and am already running it with a SX power cable.  I am especially interested in those who have upgraded from the 12 UEF SE to the SX.  I am already running dedicated lines so am wondering how much more better can it get?

If you hate SR products or find all power conditioners to be snake oil but have not heard any of the more recent ones from SR please share your thoughts in some other forum discussion.  

I haven't tried those exactly. But I do have a dedicated line, it has been through several iterations and upgrades, and there really seems to be no end to the improvements. I mean including even to the panel, inside the panel, and back before the panel to the meter. And then from the panel to the room to the conditioner to the components. As far as I can tell every single inch of it matters including the outlets and the inch that is the fuse. 

Ted is high on my list of developers, and Synergistic high on my list of value for money. So much so that I am not even sure whether its such a good idea to buy used. In other words he improves his new generation so much they tend to still be good value even in spite of the steep prices he charges.  
My approach as a long time SR user is once I have something to use it a good long time, usually until so much else has been upgraded it comes back around. But that's just me. If you are seriously in the market enough to be looking at the next gen next year I would call the Cable Co, or even Ted himself.
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I agree synergy is important and hard to predict...

I have never liked the powercell with an atmosphere power cable.  I know it provides a lower price point but always feel you need the Galileo to power least in my system. ..then again I use mostly Galileo power cables