Possible Silver IC's to accompany my Skogrand Marrkarian 421 sp cables?

I'm using Ocellia Silver Reference now...I was considering Chord Co Sarum T's
Well...it's gonna be a few months now before I do any kind of 'shoot out'....I just won an auction on Audiogon for a top flight Power Cord. (Really didn't think I'd get it, but....it completes my power cable needs....so there you go).
Check out ZenWave cables too.Dave will send you demos at no charge to try.
I'd looked at Zenwave before & the reviews are great....it's nice to know that they'd have demos I could borrow for any prospective 'shoot out'. Thanks for the tip.
    Does anyone out there have any experience with the Townshend F1 Fractal copper interconnects? They've developed a unique metallurgy but have to include a zoeble network to compensate for their high capacitance...reviews are all claiming it's a contender for GOAT!
I know it is a old thread, but just thought of giving my 2 cents on the f1 fractals. They are one wonderful ICs. I have tried Wywires diamond, Shunyata Alpha, TQ black diamond, AQ earth and Shunyata anaconda ztron. Everyone of above their strengths, not trying to undermine them, but f1 fractals does everything better. It really gave me a "wow" moment. There is nothing like "night and day" difference, among the above, but if I had to choose one, f1 fractals will be the one. I was considering to try TQ silver diamonds and other higher priced (> 3-4 K), but I might just stick with f1 fractals. The more I listen, the more I feel like I need to keep them and stop searching more. 
Thanks for your recommendations romney80....I almost pulled the trigger on a new custom 2.5M pair of Fractals back in December but then a pair of 2.5M Klee Accoustics Trubalance popped up & I grabbed em'. Definitely a night & day difference! Truly remarkable in all areas....they are known to have issues as they age with Micro fractures developing in their prioritary welding process & although mine are continue to pass signal, I have to lay them out just right...(physically) & leave them alone to avoid signal deterioration because of those issues.  Unfortunately,  the man who has the expertise to repair them...David Klee....is no longer working due to health issues & I am unaware of anyone else able to reterminate them. Jaguar Design had bought all remaining stock from Mr. Klee about 6 years ago & even they don't service them. I love their performance but realize they will not be a long term solution to my needs. If anyone knows of someone out there whose successfully figured out how to re-terminate these...please pass that info along.