Covering a TV behind your speakers?

I just read on another site a guy asking what difference it would make covering his TV while playing music. His picture shows a decent system but it must be in the basement. It can't be more than 12' wide. No sound treatments to be seen. I'm going through a divorce and will have to move to a much smaller one person house. I've been lucky for 30 years having my expossed basement listening room, 20' x 24', naturally almost perfect as far as sound goes.  I have been reading here and other sites trying to learn about treatments. Never heard the TV thing before. A few people responded to the guy's post that they hang drapes over the TV. I would think since current TV screens are not glass but whatever they are made of now they wouldn't cause a problem. Looking forward hearing from the experts here.

Geoffkait walks around with a cell phone tied to each ear. They keep his ears warm.
Golden, as long as a flat screen TV does not rattle and it is right in the middle which should be far enough from the early reflection point you won't have a problem. Covering it will not do anything as sound reflecting off it will be hugely attenuated by the time it gets to your ear. 
I have a 113" theater screen between my speakers and you would never know it. (once I killed all the rattles.) I do use very directional speakers.
It helps facten to not rely too much on or take too seriously everything everyone posts. Do your own due diligence. You might, for example, want to search a name like machina dynamica and learn about morphic fields. You know, the information fields that emanate from things like books and cell phones. Then ask yourself why a guy with no system is a serial poster on an audiophile website. DYODD.
The stalker floodgates are now officially open! 😱 By the way it’s not difficult to demonstrate that cell phones are bad for the sound. No expensive equipment or controlled blind tests are necessary. Scout’s honor ✌️Just take the cell phones outside and listen to the system again. It’s not rocket science, guys. Don’t let mc scare you. He’s a little bit superstitious sometimes about things he didn’t learn in high school or 4 H. 🍀 🐄
Trust me millercarbon my question was asked without really looking for a factual response. If one is worrying about if their cell phone is influencing the sound of their system I suspect they have bigger problems. Likewise, I'll leave the morphic field reading to the obsessive and simply enjoy the music.