Why don’t tube amps sound like tubes anymore?

When I hear the latest tube amps I’m more reminded of what a solid state amp sounds like than what I remember a tube amp once sounded like. I say that, with most tube amps I hear today, but not all. Gone seems to be the lush tones, warm glow and natural harmonics I used to hear. What I hear is more of a thoroughbred, faster, sharper sound when I listen to a modern tube design today. Then why use tubes?
In my opinion the new tube gear sounds more like good solid state rather then the warm fuzzy sound of yesterdays tube components so why hassle with tubes any more?

8,881 posts
05-24-2020 1:31pm
If you ask me, it's the almost universal switch to the use of Wima caps.

LOL, I never though of it, but they are in just about everything new and older (not ancient). They sound great, close tolerance, and last just about forever..

Many tube brands are designing their current amps to sound more like SS, precisely because many people criticized the typical older models for being, well, too "tubey". Proves you can't please all the people all the time.
The use of metal film resistors in place of carbon. SS diodes in place of tube diodes in the power supplies! The disappearance of power supply chokes!