If you mount the tv on the wall the audio soundstage will be in front of the tv screen.
Mount the tv on a stand about a foot or so behind the speakers and the audio soundstage will blend with the video picture.
This will give a more realistic movie experience.
For audio only listening turn off the picture on the tv.
Some tv’s have a picture off button on the remote to block the video and let the audio through for Tidal, Amazon hd music etc. I do not like to view album art and other crap for music only playback.
Covering and uncovering the tv is a PIA IMO.
Mount the tv on a stand about a foot or so behind the speakers and the audio soundstage will blend with the video picture.
This will give a more realistic movie experience.
For audio only listening turn off the picture on the tv.
Some tv’s have a picture off button on the remote to block the video and let the audio through for Tidal, Amazon hd music etc. I do not like to view album art and other crap for music only playback.
Covering and uncovering the tv is a PIA IMO.