Why don’t tube amps sound like tubes anymore?

When I hear the latest tube amps I’m more reminded of what a solid state amp sounds like than what I remember a tube amp once sounded like. I say that, with most tube amps I hear today, but not all. Gone seems to be the lush tones, warm glow and natural harmonics I used to hear. What I hear is more of a thoroughbred, faster, sharper sound when I listen to a modern tube design today. Then why use tubes?
Sorry for the redundancy! My smartphone was acting wonky and I tried to cancel the double posting!
None of my McIntosh Tube components sound at all like Solid State.  I think it entirely depends on the manufacturer of the products in question.  I think some Amps have tubes for the look, not the sound
Your resistor type,and coupling capacitors hav3 a large say in its voicing , as well as the tube type and brand. Power cords And cables used also Can have a large effect in the voicing .many people forget even 10 years ago many things have changed.
@mijostyn +1

Actually, it is more like modern SS amps are sounding more like Tube amps.
I sold my tube amp because the Pass XA30.8 gave me everything my tube amp did plus what it lacked in low end grip, dynamic range, and a silent black background. I think Class A SS done right is very satisfying to tube lovers, especially when combined with a quality tube preamp.