DCM Time Window 1 questions

I am considering purchasing a pair of DCM Time Window 1 speakers (circa 1980), and I am wondering:

-what would be a reasonable price for a pair in excellent condition?

-what would be the absolute minimum amplifier watts per channel to get good sound from them?

-how would these compare in audio quality to a set of well-made but inexpensive speakers with current technology?

Thanks for any input-
All the TW 1A's had woofers with rubber surrounds. No deterioration! And the TW's frequency and phase measurements are comparable to the Quad 57's! Few dynamic speakers have this level of neutrality! Steve Eberbach (the designer) got it right! A classic design that still beats most of today's overpriced offerings!
I own two pairs of Quad 57's and I find the TW's to be equally satisfying for daily listening! 
Add the BEL 1001 amp ($3K + in the early '80s) and the combination has that "rightness" that makes extended listening so enticing!