Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand + Bel Canto C5i vs..

I just acquired a new closeout set of Vienna Mozart Grands in the black piano finish. I have heard these speakers numerous times at various store settings and love the open, sweet, encompassing, not fatiguing sound. I am looking for an integrated amp + DAC either combined or seperate that will be a good match for my speakers.

I will be using this mostly for stereo audio and occasional home theater. I listen to a mixture of Jazz, Pop and Tecnno (Minimal and Ambient House). I plan to listen to mostly iTunes acquired high quality MP3s or streaming internet through an optical connection of an airport express.

I am seriously thinking about getting a Bel Canto c5i. Its a new high current integrated amp + good DAC for $2000 new. Does anyone know if this is a good combo match for my speakers? I don't mind getting an integrated amp and a seperate DAC used on Audiogon. My budget is $2000 for an int amp + DAC. Suggestion/feedback/your 2 cents are welcome. Thank you!
Hi, the bel canto is being released as we speak. I pre ordered mine a couple of weeks ago and will probably receive it on friday or next monday. I'll use it with a pair of dynaudio x 12. Hopefully out will be a god combination...
Hi, Sorry I can't really comment on your Mozart Grands and Bel Canto C5i question, but I know that Bel Canto has been making great Class D amps for years now. Hope that combo will be a great one.

When I saw the C5i info online, I was very excited. I wll soon sell my new Bel Canto REF 500S and DAC3 and purchase the C5i. Just waiting for Jajur's input when he gets his new C5i.
Thanks for the input guys!

Just ordered the C5i this week as well. Although slightly afraid it will not provide enough dampening factor to drive dynamic sound of my Vienna's. Will let you know how it sounds when I get mine.

Different topic but does anyone have any recommendations for budget/quality speaker cables?