Roon Upsampling - DSD vs. PCM

I've been listening to Roon using a variety of upsampling methods. Roon's DSP management is incredibly flexible, allowing you to select any type of input and scale it to any type of output, assuming your DAC and the Roon server has enough CPU to support it.

After reading a couple of recommendations I've tried using the DSD upsampling to feed my Mytek Brooklyn, which accepts DSD via USB 2.0, as well as PCM to PCM.

I have to say after some listening that the PCM to DSD upsampling does not sound great to my ears. It sounds brighter and harder, but not better.  The 2x PCM to PCM upsampling however sounds pretty nice. It extends the top octave without sounding worse or strained.

What are your experiences, and what DAC are you feeding?

heh Erik, I use a LuminT2 fed by a server running Roon. I tried upsampling to DSD512 for a month or was ok but I'm back to straight PCM play through Qobuz. The sound is more balanced IMO.
@jaytor - So you are not using Roon to upsample, correct? You are doing it all in the DAC?
@erik_squires - I'm using Roon to do the power of 2 upsampling, and then letting the DAC do whatever oversampling it wants after that. 
DSD takes LOTS of extra CPU - that's for sure.  Especially >256, which is where the sound quality improvements really kick in.