What is up with Audio Research during the pandemic?

I ordered a set of tubes for my ARC Ref 3 line stage on May 4, 2020. So far, no tubes, no tracking number, and no contact initiated by ARC. I did get an email response last week from them saying that they were "... working on getting caught up in the shipping department and have not yet shipped your tubes." This post is not to hassle ARC in the midst of a crisis. My hope is that all there are safe and well. Many "non-essential" businesses are struggling and frankly, I want to do all I can to support them. Music has been a wonderful source of comfort and enjoyment for me, now more than ever. I can wait, but I would feel better if I knew that the ARC folks were doing OK.  
I called them today to ask a tech question, but their website says they are closed for a while. I sent an email; I am hoping to hear back soon re; using balanced-output amp with an SP-6.
Whatever question you have about an SP6 can almost certainly be  answered by your dealer. There's no need to call the manufacturer for that information.
Why is everyone bashing MC? I do not see a post from him any where on the OP’s thread...maybe I’m missing something. Any how, I’m an essential worker so to speak and still have an income fortunately and have been able to make a few purchases audio wise, such as my tavish design classic. I had zero issues with purchase or shipping. And yes I feel i also helped out a few smaller businesses by spending my money....such as my local record store that recently reopened...
Since ARC responded to the OP recently, that's a good sign that they're still operating but at a limited capacity (as most businesses are).  I just got a notice from a company in Michigan that because of flooding, my order might be delayed.  Earlier in the year, any company that bought parts or had manufacturing in China had delays as well.  A sign of the times, I suppose.