I want to first thank everyone in the participation of this thread!
Barring me returning it to Best Buy, which would only be a result of the unit not functioning correctly, this will obviously be a long term thread. Something I will revisit at various junctures, to share my experiences, good and bad, with the player.
Despite what Sean thinks of us having very different experiences, as I read into his words, I find a great deal of similarity in our sonic experiences. One also needs to understand that our systems, at this point, are markedly different. But, yesterday, after a night of repeat (I am running the player 24 hours a day on repeat, and listening when I can), using a retrospective SACD of Sam Cooke, I heard basically all of what Sean described. Note, I played this knowing that the disc is quite thin sounding and harsh in many areas. I ended up reducing the volume, which, if anyone knows me, is something I am not very prone at all to. To be honest, it was relentless. Even to the point where I was happy to listen from other rooms, as I cleaned the house. Again, basically everything that Sean pointed out was coming through loud and clear. The highs were way out front, the bass as described before was not acceptable, and the vocals were shouty and harsh.
I should mention that I was running the Cabasse speakers, homemade jobs, in the size of the Harbeths. Unusual for today, as they are not full sized floor standers, nor minimonitors. As such, while they do a lot right, they neither image like a mini nor have the lows of a bigger speaker. They are quite sensitive and engaging, however, though with the Atmas can be bright if I am not careful. The Frieds are much warmer and more forgiving, along with having surprisingly musical and deep Line Tunnel bass. In this situation, the Frieds would have sounded better I am sure.
Sean also has the benefit of hearing a lot of other players put into the "giant killer" category. Therefore, his opinions, along with others who have tried the Panasonics and the Aiwa, are most appropriate. Unfortunately, for this thread, I do not. I also value Ric Schultz's (at EVS) opinion, and his assertions weighed heavily into my decision to purchase this player as a mule to test how well these modded players actually performed.
As my family arrived for our Easter celebration, the player continued on repeat...
Later, in the evening, I tried again. Sam Cooke was much better sounding at this point. I am not sure if it's break - in, or the normal "system sounds better at night thing". But, for whatever reason, the additional nine hours smoothed things out considerably, making things actually listenable. Bass was stepped up from where it was, though still in need of some serious help.
As I progressed through other music - Sonny Rollins, Dar Williams, John Prine, and finally, Beth Orton, I continued to hear better and better things. Part of it was going in the direction of choosing music that did well, although my intent was to pick stuff that would show the player in the worst light. I must also mention that the Atmas warming up over the evening should not be ruled out of the equation. Surpisingly, Beth Orton's "Central Reservation", which I ended the night with, was beautiful. Expansive, open, luscious.
What I mostly had issue with in the evening was the treble, detail, and overall jump factor in the uppper midrange on up. There was a lot more there than I was getting to hear, and I knew it. Obviously, the bass didn't miraculously appear, but I've already touched on that. The Frieds would have helped, as will probably the mods when I get to it. I can say that after the morning listen, followed by reading Sean's post, I was a bit down on the sonics, but the evening session swung me back in the positive direction without question.
Ergonomically, the player doesn't respond well to using the remote for SACD. A lot of the functionality must be gotten through the video monitor, which more than defeats the point of SACD. I expected this from DVD-A (which I haven't tried), but to get it from SACD is frustrating, as it was supposed to be an AUDIO format. With my unit, I cannot skip forward or backward through a song, nor can I call up a song via its number on the keypad. In order to go to song 7, I either need to use the menu on the video screen, or keep moving to the next or last song until I find it. Not very good in my mind. And, I did have the distortion thing rear its head again. It happened as I skipped forward in a song. It has to be corrected by pausing, and restarting.
One thing I have been doing is performing break - in with both CDs and SACDs. I am sure, unlike my Sony SDC-C333ES, the player has but one laser for both, but I do wonder if each format breaks the player in differently. With that, I don't want to use a CD exclusively.
My intention is to probably mod the player in the later spring/early summer. Until then, I will give another serious sonic report card when the player is broken in. Apart from that, we can touch on whatever issues everyone brings forth in the thread.
Thank you all again!